Friends everywhere,

The recently launched online newspaper LEMIROIRINFO in the wake of the media did not take long time to create its place in the hearts of our compatriots and friends everywhere. LEMIROIRINFO thanks you from the bottom of his heart for this mark of trust, and considers himself happy to have you as: readers, supporters and advisers !

Young in appearance but mature in experience, the MIROIRINFO team (journalists, collaborators, columnists and special envoys) makes professional rigor its workhorse while striving to remain as objective as possible so that in return, the reflection of the MIRROR can illuminate your daily life.

Friends everywhere,

During this FESTIVAL, the administration of the LEMIROIRINFO newspaper wishes everyone regardless of your political affiliation, your social and economic status or your religious provenance a 2019 CHRISTMAS of Peace, Love and Sharing.
As for the coming new year 2020, the administration wishes you good adventures!

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Patrick Mackintosh JEAN 